Monday, March 1, 2010

March 1

It is March 1st and exactly 31 days before hubby and I go to Vegas for his 30th birthday. It is also just over a week before I turn 31 and have to accept that I am now over 30. And...we've decided we are taking the kids to the beach for vacation this summer...Jamaica or Cancun...such a hard decision. :) It is Monday and March 1. Okay so where is this going? I have to start working out somehow. I ran a marathon in October but since then running has not been agreeing with me and so I've used that as an excuse to not doing anything.

In the last year, I have had a picture taken of me that looks like I swallowed a watermelon, been accused of wearing jeans 4 sizes bigger than I do, and infant formula showed up in my mail Friday which I hope doesn't mean someone has seen me and thinks I look like I just gave birth. Now...granted, I am not overweight. I weigh just what I am suppose to but that weight isn't distributed very well right now. Can you say "TONE UP?" And I refuse to let the "now that I'm over 30 my body is hard to stay in shape" curse overtake me and give up. I want to look really good for hubs at Vegas and I want to be comfortable in myself to enjoy our beach vacation and water fun this summer.

So...I'm starting today. Because it's Monday and it's March 1st. Really, there is not a good excuse not to. So I'm I go. I'm going. My Wii Active is waiting on me. I'm going. Right now. Yes I am! Going....getting up...Really I am...

right after I finish my coffee. :)

1 comment:

  1. To be fair, that picture wasn't flattering of any of us! Luckily, I don't think that one made it onto any of the calendars... Tell your dad to shoot from a different angle next time! HA HA HA HA HA
