Sunday, December 2, 2012

Day One and Two

Well, we are off to a good start on our new traditions. I want to document what we do more for myself than anything so I can look back next year and remember everything we did.

Yesterday was our first day of the kindness advent and although I had to do it by myself, we completed day one. We had made our envelopes and wrote out each act and then hung them from a string taped to the wall in the kids room.

 The day was getting late and my kids had just gone to the hotel pool but I still had to go get a few things from the store. So, I bought a Wal-Mart gift card when I checked out and then turned around and gave it to the man behind me. He was very surprised and kinda suspicious. But when he realized I was serious about it, he thanked me with a smile.

After getting home and telling the story to the kids, Princess named our elf Rudy and went to bed in anticipation of where she would find him this morning. Little Man doesn't seem to be "into" it but I figure once it's his turn to hide him, there will be more excitement. This is what little Rudy did all night. He's obviously a sport loving elf. I think he will fit into this family perfectly.

Day Two of our kindness advent had to be tweaked a little.
We thought this would be a great one since there is a snack cabinet in the lobby of the hotel. You pick a snack and then pay the person working the front desk. So instead of taping money to the machine, we just gave money to the front desk employee and told them to use it for the next few snack buying residents. :)

We also completed our first day of the Jesse Tree Advent. I hadn't realized that it started on November 29, but we figured starting late was better than not starting at all. It's so fun to watch the kids get excited about these traditions. Tomorrow we are going to pick out a child from the Angel Tree and buy Christmas for them.  I also can not wait to see where Rudy is when we wake up. It's Princess' turn to 'stage' him so it should be fun. Good night!


  1. How fun! You are such a great mom!!! Where did you get the 25 ideas?

    1. Off of another blog that I've been following.
