Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Day 11 and 12

Rudy started his day yesterday by getting squeaky clean. :) 
Maybe he had a date with one of the other elves in the hotel. 

The temperature has stayed extremely chilly so our kindness act for Tuesday included the wonderful people who are putting our house back together. Okay, so they're really just painters but they still deserved to work with some warm coffee and donut holes. 

Today, we ventured into the handmade baked goods part of our kindness advent. We made some yummy cinnamon apple strudel muffins and took them to the tellers of our bank. My hubby works at the same branch but in a different department so they are getting cupcakes a little later. 

I am beginning to love the look on people's face when we surprise them with something nice. The nice lady who took our treats was pleased when I told her that I understand how hard tellers work (especially during the holidays...been there, done that). I think she enjoyed knowing someone thought of them and appreciated their efforts to have excellent customer service. 

And Rudy really tried to stay hidden today. I think he was tired and didn't want to be bothered. It's probably from that date he had yesterday. 

 Nice try Rudy, but my kids have eyes of eagles. 
We can't wait to see where you end up tomorrow.

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