Tuesday, March 8, 2011

So What's Up? ****UPDATE****

Some of you saw my post on face book and some of you I've talked to face to face but I wanted to give you the low-down on what's going on with our adoption. Last Friday I received an email from our Ethiopian group director stating that the MOWA (the government group in Ethiopia) has decided that starting March 10, they will be reviewing only 5 cases a day. This is down from their 50+ a day. Why? They are trying to stop the child trafficking problem and want to review each file more closely. I respect this decision...they need to take care of their babies...I don't have to like it, but I get it. That's about all the information they could give us and so I did some digging.

Since then, I have read blogs, emails, articles and chat postings. Some say this whole thing is a rumor, some say that they are not being truthful about their "why" but most say "hang in there...it'll all be okay." So what does this mean for us?

Not much really. We have NOT decided to give up...we ARE still adopting from Ethiopia. Basically we look at this as the obvious...our wait time just got longer. God does know what He is doing and He knows what is best for our family. This may just mean He granted us more time to get our finances together....it may mean our baby isn't even born yet....it very possibly has NOTHING to do with us but we are indirectly affected by something He has to do to further His kingdom. I don't know why but I don't need to know why. That's not my job...my job is to pray and trust.

I have not let this stress me out. I was disappointed for sure but I cannot explain why I feel such peace. I have felt immense peace about the whole process and most people who know me well will tell you that is not normal for me. I don't need to know a timeline...most of this process isn't even in our hands...it's in two different governments hands separated by space, language barriers and trust issues (my opinion) and so there is no need to stress because I have NO control of it right now. I have my life to deal with right here and right now and I HAVE to trust in my God to take control of the rest. I think about my child every single day and I pray for my child continually but I can't allow Satan to make this situation bring me down.

We attend a Bible study on Wednesdays and God has really used this years study to give me peace. Some things in the commentary have really touched my heart so I decided to write them down on note cards....I'm really glad I did because I need some of them right now. I'll share:

"There is great joy in the journey, but also many trials and struggles. Be encouraged. God will be with you every step of the way."

"While we may experience trials, we do not need to be anxious if we are responding to God's call."

(And this one tends to make me tear up....this was written for ME....)

"Rarely does God call us and provide a five-year plan, a list of pros and cons, and a budget. Most of the time He calls us to take one step and then another, teaching us to trust and obey as we go. At times it's hard to explain God's call to those around us, but when His call is clear, we must emphatically and decisively obey. To do less is to lose out on the wonderful richness that our lives can have when we let the Lord order our steps."

So there you go...I hope this helps explain where we are emotionally right now. We haven't given up so please don't give up on us. If you've been praying...thank you!! Please continue to do so and know that we appreciate it very much.

You know, I ran track in middle school and high school but I could never conquer those stupid hurdles. I think it's time to master them.

May God bless you today!

We just received an email from our agency and apparently this new decision is not a rumor. They are taking action asking for people to sign a petition to be sent to the prime minister of Ethiopia asking the MOWA to please reconsider cutting international adoptions by 90%. So, I'm asking two things of you:
1. Please consider signing the petition (found at the link below) and
2. Pass this to all your friends, family, co-workers, etc. asking them to sign it too.

Thank you so much! If we work together we can make a difference and bring these orphaned children into forever homes.


  1. I liked that last quote best. :) Of course, I'm still praying for you guys. I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!

  2. Just signed the petition! :)
