Thursday, January 6, 2011

This is the best I can do? Seriously?

I have a massive headache today. And I get to go help basketball practice here in about 45 minutes. Bouncing basketballs in an enclosed gym is really going to help my headache. But having this headache made me sit down and be still for a minute and I decided to organize my "favorites" list. Pathetic, I know. What did I learn from this little activity? I have 61 blogs bookmarked in my computer and 36 are specific to adoption from Ethiopia. I think once we get on the waiting list, I'll have plenty to read! :) And find other pathetic, mundane things to organize.

But for now, I work at our paperwork, continue adding to the "honey-do" list and get ready for our home visit next week.

That's all for now!

1 comment:

  1. Well don't I feel special that you read my boring blog!!! lol. jk - hope your headache went away. I've had fuzzy head all week. ugh. I need a season to just be a season and quit going back and forth!
