Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Daily life....

Well I don't really like not posting anything for awhile but I've been very uninspired the last few days. I'm going through some things in my heart right now that leave me tired at the end of the day. But, I am going to let you in on what's been going on in our lives. Both kiddos had a track meet Saturday and it was such an beautiful day, we all enjoyed it. Little Man, however; had spent the night with a friend the night before and camped out in a tent in the backyard all night. Little did I know that we were under a freeze warning that night and it got down below freezing. Now, do I mind my son experiencing something like that as he grows up? Not really, but had I realized how cold it was going to be, I would have sent him a little more prepared. So needless to say, he woke up extremely congested and coughing and as of yesterday, was complaining of his ear hurting. I called the doc and of course, they could only get him in right as I was needing to have Princess at ballet for her pictures. Thank goodness for my mom! She took Little Man to the doctor while I did ballet pictures and we got it all taken care of. :) He does have an ear infection and got some meds to help with coughing and he woke up a different child this morning. Thank you Lord! We only have 3 days until we leave and I really didn't want to take a sick kid to Jamaica.

We have been practicing snorkeling in our local gym's indoor pool so we can hopefully snorkel together as a family when we get to Jamaica. I've been so proud of them! Princess is very timid in the water but through this practicing, she has become comfortable in the water. Our last lesson in fact she started swimming on her own without even realizing it. Once I pointed it out, she was a swimming fool. :) That's my girl...nothing is going to happen unless it's HER idea. When we were trying to potty train, she was having none of it. Then one day, she woke up and said, "I want to wear panties today." She never wore a diaper again and her accidents I can count on one hand. So for her to put her mind into swimming and doing good at it...she'll be a pro by the end of the summer. :) Little Man is very comfortable in the water and dives down to pick something up, comes up and clears his snorkel, and then goes back down. It is going to be so much fun to experience this as a family. My mom is extremely nervous about us taking her grandchildren out of the country, and Sunday she tried to convince Princess to stay here with her. To that she got a very definite, "NO! This is our FAMILY trip!" :) What can you say to that?

Let's see what else? Oh well there's Princess's checkup with her ear doctor...I was so excited to be all done and not have to go back. I like him alright, but as long as we had to go see him, that meant things were not quite where they needed to be. We've been seeing this specialist since before Princess was two years old. So when he told us that if she passed her hearing test, we were cleared, I was ecstatic. Well, we have to go back in five months if that tells you anything. It was very disheartening to watch her do her testing and I could hear what she was suppose to hear, and she very clearly could not. Now granted, it's not too bad and it could just be temporary from pressure on her ears from allergies, but I am a mom and I do worry about my kids. The funny thing is that she doesn't hear low tones, like a man's voice. So I got to tell her daddy that she is not ignoring him, she truly cannot hear him. I think that made him feel better about her not answering him when he talks to her if her back is to him. I remember when they first tested her at 18 months old and they told us she could not hear us well at all. They said she was hearing sounds like she was under water. So it was good to know that she wasn't just being a stubborn toddler, she couldn't hear us. Even though it's hard to know your child has problems, it helps to know that she's not just being a toot. (She does have plenty of those moments on her own though....) :)

Anyway, those are just a few things going on with us lately. We are very ready for our vacation and I'll be so excited to post many pictures! Be blessed today!


  1. I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE PICTURES FROM YOUR TRIP! I'll be on my own little trip - ahem. :) But I'll be praying for you guys, and I know you'll have an absolute blast!!!
    And I LOVE your new blog design... classy, elegant, and super girly!

  2. Good luck! did you see the white or the green background? which is better?
