Thursday, May 20, 2010

Time to Spill the Beans

Ya know how when someone says, "You want the good news or the bad news?" even though you know dang well you're getting both? That's what I was thinking when I wanted to post this. Good news or bad news first? So I decided I'd get the bad news out of the way so I can end on a positive note for the day.

The day before we left for our trip my mom called to tell me that her mom (my Memaw) had been to the doctor and they were pretty sure she had lung cancer. about being glad I could escape for a few days to let it sink in. Since then they have done lab tests, a biopsy and other things and called to confirm yesterday that it is most definitely lung cancer. And they fear it's in her lymph nodes in her chest as well. We are not sure of what treatment will look like, if any. She will be 80 years old in December and has said that if it comes down to shorter, good quality vs. longer, bad quality, she's going for good quality. I can't say I blame her. She's had 7 children, 6 girls who are almost all grandmas themselves, she has 13 grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren with one on the way. She has lived a good life. It doesn't mean I like the situation at all though. I'm sure I will be posting more on this issue as I learn more. Writing out my feelings will become a refuge I'm almost certain. It might not always be pretty but I'm learning very quickly that life is never always pretty.

Now on to other news: my children got to experience their first rock concert this week. Air1 is a Christian radio station that we listen to and they held a free concert at our church this week. It was awesome! Little Man wasn't sure what to think of all the loud rambunctious teens that were crowded into the room and was really looking like he was ready to leave until his favorite band got on stage. It was then that his independent free spirit soared. :) He made his way through every nook and cranny to finally get up right next to the stage. He was so excited and jumped and yelled just as much as those crazy teens. He came and found me after they played his favorite song just to tell me he was okay and having a blast. Then off he went again. It was so cute to see him so excited. He got to "touch the shoes of the main singer and they threw water on me! It was so cool mom!" I absolutely adore getting to watch my kids experience things for the first time. You think as they grow up that they've run out of "firsts". There's no more first steps, first words, first potty success, etc. but there are many more firsts that will come. Recently, their first out of country experience and their first rock concert. :) Life is good.

Side note: due to the fact that Princess has had so many problems with her ears and they are extremely sensitive, she didn't enjoy the concert quite so much and ended up falling asleep on my shoulder. Oh well.....

Last but not least: yesterday I was helping Princess read her Bible story and she came to the word "Bethlehem". I could tell it was really overwhelming her to see that long word so after a few moments I decided to give her a hint. I started singing, "O little town of....." and she very proudly proclaimed, "ABRAHAM!" Wow...little did I know that Abraham was not only an awesome Biblical example, a fine president, but also the name of the town that Jesus was born in! How could I not have known that is what she's been singing all this time? No matter....I laughed and laughed until I cried and then we read it correctly. I love my kids!

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