Friday, May 14, 2010


I looked forward to this day the entire trip! It was the day we were going snorkeling and I was sure all of my hard work and practice with the kids was going to pay off! Well, Little Man did GREAT!!! He loves the water and is very comfortable in it. He would see a fish he liked and go after it and then be far away from the group and very leisurely swim back to us. I totally see him scubaing with his dad and grandpa in the near future. Princess on the other hand did really well once she came off the back of the boat and then she looked around and noticed nothing but water and had an honest to goodness panic attack. Jerod tried for awhile to get her to calm down but she was having none of it. Finally a woman offered to take her back to the boat and sit with her in there. I felt kinda guilty about that until she told me it was a great excuse for her to get out the water because she was freaking out herself. So the three of us got to snorkel together for a long time and had a lot of fun. It all worked out ok.

After snorkeling, we headed to this private beach where we ate lunch, played in the water and went down the slide that was on the boat. It was however, very wavy on they way there and the kids loved sitting on this trampoline part of the boat and letting the waves bounce them around. Princess came off completely once and was done after that but Little Man and I endured it to the end! :)

On this private beach, there were four dogs that belonged to the owner. I guess they knew my kids liked dogs because they followed them around everywhere. They even swam with them which the kids thought was hilarious. Making memories.....

This picture is for my cousin Keri who says I'm not in enough. :)

Views of our private beach...

The dogs even liked to hang out with my hubs. I understood...I think he's kinda great too!

Little Man and his dad just went down the slide.

View from the beach out to the ocean...

1 comment:

  1. Well, I was kinda wondering if I was just gonna get the picture of your toe in front of the pool.... good job for stepping in FRONT of the camera! :)
