Saturday, February 16, 2013

Big Changes Are A-Coming

How on earth is it already February?! Wow. I hate that I haven't posted in awhile but with this lovely cut I got on my hand on Christmas Eve, typing and handwriting tend to make it very sore. Boo-hoo, I know.

Well, let's get caught up. In early January, the husband and I had a serious talk about this move he made and how I was ready to move now instead of waiting until the summer like we had originally thought. Being back home was more emotional than any of us thought and we were really ready to just leave this house behind and be together as a family every day. So he called our adoption agency and asked them if it would delay us getting a referral if we moved. We know that we are so close to getting that call for a little boy and we don't want to jeopardize the timing. Our adoption consultant told us to move NOW. Wha?? She said that we needed to move as soon as possible in order to get settled there and get a current home study done before we had any chance of a court date. Well, alrighty then. I started immediately to get our house "show ready" and a week later, we were ready to start showing it. We originally tried to sell it on our own by holding an open house one weekend and then the next Tuesday we listed with a realtor. By that Friday, we had an full offer and signed the contract to close in early March. AHH!! I headed down the next week to try and find us a house that was perfect for our family AND could close in one month. Success!! After looking at over 20 houses, we decided on an older home with lots of updates and all the room we wanted. And a great backyard. :)

When our consultant told us to move now, we envisioned having our house on the market for about a month, and then moving around May. Well, God has his hands all over this and is going to make it possible for us to move and get a new home study done before any chance of a court date. We haven't even gotten a referral yet! So in here in about two weeks, we will pack up this house that we designed, built and lived in for the last 5 years and do something none of us have ever done. We are going to move to a different city. A great adventure is waiting for us!!! I'm looking forward to the plans God is laying out for us and the challenges that face us in the days ahead. It will be brand new experience but we are doing it together as a family and that will be a blessing.

Check in from time to time because I hope to document this move really well for myself and my family. Plus, if you blink, you may never know the surprises I may have!!

1 comment:

  1. EXCITING!!! I can't wait to see your new home in person. :) Love all these details. And I love ALL of YOU!
