Monday, February 25, 2013

They Got One Right!!

With all the packing, bubble wrapping and more packing going on at our house I haven't really sat down to watch any local news. By the time I stop for the day, I turn on HGTV or the History channel and go into a t.v. watching coma until my eyelids close for the last time. So imagine my surprise when I wake up to my phone going off at 4:36 a.m. alerting that we were in a blizzard warning. But, I wasn't too concerned because when you live where I do, you quit relying on the weather men to accurately forecast our weather. It's not their fault. We just live in the most bi-polar weather region in the world. I doubted them further when we left church on Sunday and it was 63 degrees and even further when there was no snow falling when I went to bed. (Even though the wind was HOWLING, I figured the moisture line had missed us and we were just getting the wind like always). 

I was wrong and they were right. 

The wind was blowing so hard and the snow was whipping around everywhere. It was like nothing I ever remember seeing.

While me and the kids enjoyed staying in our p.j.'s and continue to work, other members of the family were content to just stay in bed.

About 3:00 in the afternoon, the sun broke through and I had a couple of kids very ready to go play. The problem was that we were literally snowed in. There was about a foot of snow against the front door and huge snow drifts out the back door. So what's a mom to do but grab a snow shovel and start making paths. I had to go out the back and then walk around the front to get it where we could open the door. 

I was so glad I had grabbed our school stuff before this hit. That way we didn't get even further behind and were able to still get work done. The rest of the city was shut down but we had no excuses. 

Apparently there was a pretty big drift in the back. When walking around to the front I was greeted by this cutie. We had let her out and she had found a perfect viewing spot to watch the kids play. 

Front of the house...before

and AFTER!! Go me!!

Speaking of packing, we are making great progress. We have about 95% of the house packed and neatly organized in the garage. That way, the moving company knows exactly where it goes and it will be much easier unpacking. 

Did I mention that my hubby sent me this picture this morning?

That little bum left yesterday to go skiing with a bunch of men from our church. In Colorado. Right after they had this exact same storm that was now hitting home. Sunshine and fresh powder. Bum. 

No really, I'm very happy he was invited to go on this trip and I hope he has so much fun. 

Moving day is only 7 days away!! I'm praying this snow is outta here by then!! 
Stay warm!

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