Monday, December 6, 2010

Weekend Wonders

Last Friday night we attended the annual light parade downtown. We started many years ago and it has since become a tradition. We usually meet early with my sister and her family and either stand on the sidewalk to watch or like last year, we both had sick kids so we stayed in our car and let them poke their head out of the sunroof to watch. Either year, we've attempted to do it and do it together. :) This year, our neighbor from down the street joined us and we even got my dad in on the fun.

This seems to be the preferred method of transportation if you weigh less than 50 lbs.
(My nephew Jaden and brother-in-law Jeramy)

She's slightly over the weight limit but Papaw didn't mind. :)

My aunt Carolyn also joined us this year which was a first. Do they look like sisters?

The current day cul-de-sac gang

Like I said, we've been doing this for awhile. I found these pics from our first parade in 2004. Little Man is 3 yr old...I think he started the shoulder transportation idea. Isn't he so cute!!! He's grown up so much!

And if Little Man was 3, that means Princess was just weeks from turning one.
But she still enjoyed the lights and being held by her Goo-Goo.
(Not much has changed along those lines.)
Ahh...if they could only stay that little forever. :)

Saturday night we got the great pleasure of meeting a local family that adopted from Ethiopia three years ago. How we found out about this particular family's journey was a God thing in itself. See, since we started this process, I've been praying that my hubby could find a man that he could relate to, trust to ask questions to and talk to that had been through this process themselves. My hubby doesn't open up to just anyone so I knew that was a pretty tall order. And how many families that live where we do adopted from Ethiopia really? But I prayed anyway. Come to find out, a friend told me about this family who adopted and are the best family and the more she talked the more I realized I knew who she was talking about. The dad is our main go-to guy for our kids Upwards sports. We started coaching with him three years ago. He and my hubby already have formed a guy-bond through sports! The guy that I had been praying for was there all along and the relationship is already built. Answered prayer!! So anyway, I hadn't met his wife or little girl yet so we set up a time and went and shared cookies and cider with them.

Let me just say...their little girl is A. DOR. A. BLE! We fell in love with her within minutes! She is so bubbly and feisty and friendly and so dang cute! While the kids played, we visited with her parents and looked at pictures and her mom was so kind to sit and answer my million questions. This truly was a very special night. We left and my spirit just felt full. But before we left, little Miss Abby asked me to please take their picture. Of course!

(Sorry the quality is was taken with my phone.)

We are just so blessed!!