Saturday, December 4, 2010

Here Piggy Piggy

There are some very obvious signs that we are a homeschooling family. For instance, on any given day you could find a bowl with some sort of food product in it labeled with a sign, "SCIENCE EXPERIMENT: DO NOT EAT." Or that it is completely normal to see semi-finished art projects all over the house. How about the fact that my kids find it odd on the days I ask them to put on actual clothes and not do school in their jammies. But the most recent sign that we are a homeschooling family made me really laugh and I had to share.
What do you mean it's not normal to find a piglet in a plastic baggie lying in your drink fridge? Well, that little piggy had a very important purpose and I didn't want him stinking up my house.

A dear friend of mine who also home schools her kids called me last week to ask if I wanted a pig. There co-op science class had dissected pigs and had an extra and she really thought my kids needed that experience too. While I agreed, I had no intention of doing this by myself. So what's a girl to do but call her daddy and beg him to come help her. :) Gotta love those Papaws....they are good as gold.

So a few days later my mom, dad and brother came over to help guide us through this process. Turns out, Princess was NOT interested in taking part in this at all and wasn't shy about letting us know that.

So she proceeded to go to the living room and cry for the momma pig who had to be worried about her baby pig who had been taken away from her. (Maternal instincts at their best....I have a feeling she's going to be my biggest helper with the new one.) So I respected that choice and told the boys to start without her. Little Man was meticulous with the scalpel. He did such an awesome job. He listened to instructions and was really interested with all the different parts that they discovered.
Princess in the meantime decided it would be much more fun to read to Goo-Goo.
So there is another obvious sign that we home school...sometimes it is a full family affair to accomplish what needs to be done.

As for the piggy, she got completely torn apart....internal organs, muscles, name it, they found it and inspected it. I just will spare you from all the gory pictures.

My brothers part in all of this? To sit back and make pig sounds while they were dissecting. Oh brothers! :)

1 comment:

  1. Ohmygaw! I'm with Princess. No thank you! You are a brave and wonderful Momma to let that happen at your table. I'm very impressed!
