Friday, August 27, 2010

What Will They Say About You?

Yesterday afternoon I attended the funeral of a woman who should not have been having a funeral. She was young, beautiful, fun and had lots of life yet to live. According to me that is. God obviously had other plans. Her entire life changed in one day where she was fine and then in less than a year, I was sitting at her funeral. Life is really confusing sometimes ya know it? But as I was sitting there looking at all the flowers in a church that I attended most of my life, letting memories of Tina flood me, I started thinking: What will they say about me? Will I be one of those that the preacher tells the family that it was a blessing just for them to have me in their life? Will I even have enough people attend to have it in a church? Will people say that I've left a legacy? Funerals are funny things. They make you think of things that I usually don't carve out time to think about. Will my time be short like hers or will I live to be an old wrinkly woman? We just don't know. And I think attending that funeral made that more evident than ever. But there are some things that I vowed to myself to do from here on out:

1. Tell someone that will be charge at that time that I do not want any crying at my funeral. Seriously. Think of where I will be....seriously! Jump up and down for me and DANCE!

2. Live my life every day in a way that others want to know, "What is that joy?" flowing out of me. I love my God and I need to show others that EVERY SINGLE DAY. Whether it's smiling at the clerk at Wal-Mart or helping a stranger, my desire is for Jesus to ooze out me like nothing else. Isn't that a great word picture? Jesus oozing out of you...eyes, ears, mouth, hands, feet, pores....and if He's oozing, then there is nowhere else for Him to go but cover those that are near me. I love that!

3. Tell my loved ones just that. They are my loved ones. They need to know how much I love them at least 50,000 times a day don't ya think? And hug and kiss them and LOVE them!

I also decided what songs I want at my funeral:

It is Well with my Soul (the Jars of Clay version)
I Am Free (Newsboys)
It's gonna be Alright (Sara Groves)

Even though yesterday was sad and Tina will be missed terribly, I think just with me alone God's purpose for her life was fulfilled. Her life through her death touched me and opened my eyes to some things that I needed to be reminded of. It really was a celebration of life and God's awesome glory for us. He gives us these people to bless us, share laughs with us and help us in our walk with Him.

God, thank you for Tina and the time she was here with us. She was a wonderful woman and full of your spirit that has transcended to everyone who spent time with her. Thank you for your love for us.

1 comment:

  1. April, Sorry for your lose. The Holy Spirit is really using you. I loved your post and yes it does make you think. Love ya Michelle
