Saturday, April 16, 2011


I am so glad it's Saturday. This has been a whirlwind of a week (literally) and this Saturday brings warm sunshine with NO WIND! :) Wind is very annoying for most people but for me, it is a life-altering occurrence. I'm really not being over dramatic! See, where we live, there is nothing behind us except bare fields and dirt. But, they are cutting the land for a new street back there so all the dirt is nice and loose. So when you add that to 60 mph wind, you can imagine the dirt bowl that is my neighborhood. We've all had to carve out time this week to get all that dirt OUT of our homes. That's not a chore that you can put off, especially when you have kids. It is purely disgusting and does not set well with this type A, clean freak mom. But at least I have a home to be cleaning and haven't lost it to wildfires like several people in this area. It's just been bad this year.

On top of the wind and the mess it's brought, we've been working to get our dossier together. I cannot tell you how ready I am to turn that sucker in and just be in the "waiting" mode. Most people don't like the waiting mode...I'm craving it. I don't want to rant too much so all I will say is that the government sure is picky when it comes to things like a notary stamp being slightly smudged. And I could go on and on and on.....

But MOVING ON, today is Saturday and it brings no wind and no government; just working on crosses that have had to be pushed aside and watching Princess' first track meet. Today will be a great day. I hope your Saturday will be like mine: remembering the good of the week like finding a wonderful gift from a family member in the mail or spending the evening with great neighbors and friends and laughing til your sides hurt but mostly, one full of love, family and sunshine. :)

1 comment:

  1. This was encouraging and sweet; thank you cuz! Good blog. :)
