Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Where oh where has my time gone?

Hi blog readers! I'm so glad I have a few moments to catch you up on our life over the last 10 days.

Let's see...Sunday the 28th my lovely hubby went golfing with his dad for his birthday and came home walking crooked and was in excruciating pain. That's what happens when you're turning the big 3-0! You can't even do normal activities without having pain! (I can say this because I am now not the only one in our house who is in their 30's). But seriously, he has a bad back and doing something as simple as playing golf can put him out for awhile. So Monday consisted of me spending about 95% of my day in the car. He couldn't get into his little sports car and I couldn't do without my car, so I drove him to the chiropractor, then work, then home, did laundry, took him ice packs, went and got lunch, took him lunch, came home, more laundry, ballet, martial arts, pick up from work, more chiropractor, massage, pick up from martial arts, pick up from massage, go to in-laws to pick up birthday cheesecake, and home to more laundry and then crash. Recreating that day just made me tired all over again. :) It was quite the day but as I was driving around, I felt like God was telling me to be thankful in all situations and it was like He was challenging me to find the silver lining in this horrifically chaotic day. So here's what I came up with:

1) I was getting to put my love language of serving to full use: I love being needed and I love helping in any way I can. I was happy to tote my hubby around because it meant he was getting to go to places that helped him feel a little better.
2) It was an amazingly beautiful day. The sun was out, and the wind was low. It was so nice in fact that while Princess was in ballet, Little Man and I played catch in the parking lot waiting on her and both got sunburned a little on our faces. (That in itself was another silver lining).
3) Since it was such a nice day, there were several people out walking, riding bikes, etc. and as distracted as I was, I didn't run over any of them!
4) I didn't get caught speeding any that day.
5) My kids got along perfectly!
6) I got to see my mom not once but twice! She lives in such a centralized location that we used her as a pit stop when we had a few minutes between places. What's a miracle about this also is that she is so busy herself, she's usually not home but this day she was!
7) I got to listen to lots of praise music on the radio.

There are my silver linings. :) Once I started thinking about it, I had many more than I ever would have voluntarily thought on my own. I was really glad that I had decided to take the whole week off for spring break though and not feel pressured to fit school in also.

Wednesday, hubs and I left for Vegas for a few days to relax and unwind. We didn't really do much of anything since he was hurting so bad so it really did end up being relaxing. We did see a few shows and exhibits and he did teach me how to play blackjack so it was a really good trip.

We got home Saturday afternoon, and my grandparents brought Little Man to us from the ranch because he and his daddy had a skit they had to do together at church that evening. Sunday was a catch up on laundry, take a nap, and love on my kids kind of day. Not at all your typical Easter Sunday but good none the less. :) Then Monday started yet another week of school, extracurricular activities and life.

Princess is now doing 3 sports: ballet, martial arts and track and Little Man is doing 2: marital arts and track. We will be crazy busy until track is over and then ballet is over and then this summer all we have is martial arts. Who says home school kids aren't social? Ha!

So today is Wednesday and while hubs was here for lunch, we discovered that we only have 29 days until Jamaica. Woo-hoo!!!!! I know we will ALL be looking forward to that! :)

That's life these days....

1 comment:

  1. I like how you say you didn't get "caught" speeding....

    :) :) :) :) :)
