Sunday, June 9, 2013

Getting Ready

Well so either the heat got to me or the stress but come about Wednesday, I needed some relief. We still had not heard anything about a court date, the kids were getting pretty grumpy and we were all a little frazzled. So what should we do? Stress relief at it's finest my friend. We prepared our ammunition and waited for big daddy to come home. Then it was every man for themselves.  

Then we got busy with some major stress eating with ice cream and lattes 

A few hours later and we were all feeling better and ready to face whatever Thursday had for us. And of course, that's when we got our court date call. We are traveling to meet our son in 4 days!! Our court date is June 21 and we will arrive in Ethiopia on June 15. I am so excited!! 

After many phone calls, texts, and tears of joy another very wonderful thing happened. My kids gathered up some courage and went down the street to meet some kids hanging out in their front yard. Next thing I know, they are all headed back down to our house and have played together every day since. Two huge prayer requests answered in one day. God is so good. 

So it's amazing the amount of things you realize you need to do before you leave for over a week. One of the first things on the list, get our furry child to the vet and then a hair cut. 

She is the best dog ever!

Then came the packing. We started by picking out everything we wanted to wear and then sprayed it with the same high-powered insect repellent we used when hubby went to Kenya last year. They say mosquitoes are not a big problem in Ethiopia, but I don't want to take any chances since my kids are joining us. 

And so we work. Clothes, medications, food, and anything in between. The key is going to be trying to fit in all in as few as suitcases as possible. I'll let you know how we do. :) 

And just because I can because it's my blog and I wanna, I'm leaving you tonight with some pictures of my sweet niece. I love her. A lot. 

Don't worry, they've already gotten the rights to these pictures and I can publish them. They were merely screen shots from my sis in law anyway. ;)

 Stay tuned because I hope to have enough wifi to journal our trip here. I sure don't want to forget any details of our experience and I don't want to miss sharing all the joys and fun with you!

1 comment:

  1. So So happy for yall! Can't wait to read the posts about your trip!
