Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Tummy Ache

The other day my sweet, girly, pretty little Princess was having all sorts of tummy issues. While we were driving around doing errands my Little Man kept informing me that she was giving off toxic fumes in the back seat. So on the way home when she hit me with astounding news that "my tummy hurts" I wasn't real surprised. What did surprise me was what I found when we got home. See, earlier in the day when I was doing research on some things, Little Man brought me a jar of pickled okra. We LOVE pickled okra around here and eat them like crazy. He asked me to open it and asked if he and Princess could have a few. Absolutely! Well....when we returned home (less than 3 hours after the snack) and I got into the refrigerator, this is what I found......
One lonely little okra floating all by itself in a very empty jar. They ate the whole dang jar of okra! And she wonders why her tummy hurt! So I put it back into the fridge, got her some pepto, (my car was already toxic, I didn't want my house to be also) and looked forward to eating that one lonely little okra at supper. Did I get to? Absolutely not! Little Man got home not long after that, ate it and then handed me the empty jar and said with a smile, "Here's a jar for our collection!" time I buy pickled okra, I'm hiding them. Not because they can cause a tummy ache, but because I would like one myself thank you very much! Seriously!

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