It's football Sunday!! Actually, it's the second week of major football games but for us, it's the first week of Little Man's tackle football career. At first, I was very nervous about him playing tackle but I am feeling better after these first games are out of the way. He's not terribly aggressive so maybe he won't get too hurt (even though he is the second smallest on the team).
#10 in the black and gold (good colors if I say so myself!)

Father (and Coach) and son watching the team from the sidelines

The two coaches: neighbors and friends

So during the first game we did have a little "incident". The ref called for a time-out because there was a player bleeding on the field. And...what do you know? It's my kid walking to the sideline with blood dripping down his arm, covering his hand and going all over his pants. My heart quit beating just long enough for me to realize that it was from a previous injury and that the scab had just busted open. Whew! I thought his football days were over at that moment. ;) He was so proud of his dirty pants that he didn't want me to wash them for today's game. I guess he thought it would be more intimidating if the other team saw him with blood all over him...they didn't need to know that it was his own. :)

Little Man and his best bud ever...Hayden (or Eddie...that's what we've named him anyway)

Before today's game...father and son striking a pose

and then getting down to business discussing plays

I love football and I love that I have a really cute player to watch now. I am praying for him throughout this season though to stay healthy and learn to have fun. I love watching my hubby coach as well...watching him with the kids makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. It makes me love him even more. Gush gush <3!
Football also means that fall is right around the corner and I am ready for that!! We picked our first pumpkin out of the garden this week and we had some great cool weather last week. It's coming! :)
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