Dear Little Man,
Ten years ago today, you made us a mom and dad. You made GooGoo and Papaw grandparents and you made Adam "uncle". You took awhile to enter into this world but every second was worth it. I realized today that you were born enough years ago that I don't have any digital pictures of you until you're about 2 1/2 years old. Go find your baby book and there's a lot more pictures from when you are a tiny baby I promise. :)
Daddy was so proud of you from the moment you got here.

Becoming a father was a wonderful, scary but very rewarding feeling.

You seemed to want to be older from the second you got here and you have truly grown up so fast! You were talking to me like an adult before you were 2!

You immediately loved dressing up ALL the time! And you were never particular about what you were, you just always wanted to be dressed up as something other than "a kid".

Your love for sports runs very deep. As you outgrew your dress up phase, you realized you could still transform into something else by putting on a uniform or gi. You are sports, all the time.

You are so stinkin' smart! You started reading a little after turning 2 and have always enjoyed sharing your love of books with anyone who will listen. You had "Where the Wild Things Are" memorized and could recite it before you were 4 and sang Santa "The Night Before Christmas" when you only 4. I am constantly amazed at your intelligence and just know it's going to help you do great things in your life. You are a very deep thinker and love learning.

You love your family! I'm glad you have that trait in you that says, "I know family is important and I love spending time with them". And you really love goofing off and having fun with everyone who will join you.

You have never really cared what other people think of you. You have a confidence in yourself that I envy. It was obvious to us even at a very young age that you know you are a child of God and that you love Him with all you are. Your identity is in Him and that's all that matters to you.

You will be an amazing father one day because you love your baby cousins!! And they adore you and look up to you more than you know! You've always been so gentle and patient with them and love teaching them things as the oldest one.

I cannot believe 10 years has passed since that day. You've made me laugh, you've made me cry, you've made me feel like I'm going mad but I love you so much. You are my little buddy and I'm so proud of the young man you're becoming.

Stay strong in your faith, believe in yourself and keep being kind to everyone. Allow your heart to stay sensitive because this world needs more men like that. It doesn't make you weak, it shows how sweet and caring you are. Always do your "work" for God and trust Him to take care of you.
Thank you for making me a mommy and for letting me love on you all the time. Thank you for being such a great kid and for trying to do what is right. I love you so much!