I'm behind getting this on here but it's been less than a week so I think I'm still doing good! :) My newest nephew entered the world last Sunday morning at 12:25 am. This is my sister's fourth child and third boy. It's going to be very busy at her house. She is such a champ when she has these kids...it makes me very envious when I think back to my 18+ hours of labor with Little Man plus 3 hours of pushing but I'm glad she has a relatively easy time. Really I am. :) So with no further delay, I introduce Cooper Douglas to you. He's a keeper.
Listening to daddy

And the pouty face is perfected already! :))

Momma's first time to hold him

Big boy and holding on for dear life!

Daddy love!!

GooGoo love!!

Beginning to quiet down and settle in

Little Big Sis didn't know what to think...she's still only a baby herself so she didn't understand what was going on. She was okay until he started crying...

...and then she needed some major momma lovin'

She was so tired and ready for bed...she's doing much better now and has decided he might not be an alien after all.

Papaw is quite experienced and less nervous now

And Yay! for daughters who can take good pictures! After being the photographer during delivery, I was excited to get my picture taken when holding him the next day.

Princess settled in with him in no time and immediately started rocking with him. She ended up putting him to sleep. Going to be a good mama I tell ya!

Since Little Man was coming straight from a football game, I decided to not give my sis a heart attack and let him hold his newest cousin. But he did admire him from afar and is so anxious to get his hands on him soon!