Dear Princess, I cannot believe it's been 7 years since you were born!

Your extra day in the hospital had us bring in a new year in the hospital room but it was the best new year's gift ever! We found ways to pass the time before you became better and we could go home....

Your "bubbe" fell head over heels immediately!

Such a little doll

Then you started moving and I had to be on my toes from then on! :)

You've always liked to take things into your own your haircuts...not once...

but twice!

You take after your mom and are one spunky little girl!

Your fashion sense has always made me laugh...a battle I gave up on a long time ago.

Through medical mishaps and mysteries, you are always the trooper

You've always had a heart for service and have wanted to help in any way you could for as long as I can remember.

I love you sweet precious girl! You are truly a light in my life and your laughter and happiness is contagious. Happy Birthday!

(Even if one day late!)
OH THIS IS SOOOOOOO SWEET!!!!! Did she cry? :) I love it I love it I love it and I miss you guys a lot! Talk to you soon.