The day after Christmas we joined my family at my mom's for breakfast and opening of presents. We still have the tradition of showing up in our jammies so forgive some of the very tired faces. We like to feel like we woke up at her house even though we drive 5 minutes down the road to get there. :)
My brother-in-law Jeramy with the cutest elf ever!!

Goo-Goo and Papaw gave everyone blankets and all the kids bean bags. They were great to cozy up to while enjoying more coffee. Yes, hubs is still very tired...Christmas Eve seems to wear out all the parents...I don't know why? :)

All the boys cuddled up in their blankets ready to get the show on the road!

These next pictures have a very lengthy story behind them that I won't get in to but my brother found some Bigfoot costumes and gave them to all the boys. He has one himself but I didn't get a pic of that. :)
First there was one.....

Then there were two....

They grew to three...
and captured the Princess! :)
Later that evening, my aunt, uncle and two cousins came into town and we headed to my grandparents house for more eating and opening.
Jaden with my mom (Goo-Goo)

My aunt Becky with Ms. Jacee

Jacee checking out her first doll...she talked!!

Brother and Seester
Princess in her pretty Christmas dress
My aunt got us these books: two of them have great pictures and are great for the kids to read and the other is a very informative guide for us parents.
My parents gave us new sturdy luggage because ours is falling apart.
And my brother gave us this awesome picture frame that isn't necessarily for the adoption but will be great to put in pictures of our newest addition and us as a growing family.
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