Halloween for us this year looked a little different than it has in the past but we still had loads of fun and they got lots of candy. My family went as the Flinstones this year which was really fun because we've never dressed up as a family and especially not all in the same theme. Saturday night we went to Boo at the Zoo and checked out all the animals and even got to watch the lions get into their treat boxes. We did this last year and my kids had so much fun so we knew it was a "must" this year.
Here are my little Pebbles and Bam-Bam watching the feisty monkeys

The whole family...we got lots of attention...I can't image why
We had originally planned on going with my sister and her kids but when we got there, there was about 1 million people there and so we didn't think we'd get to find them. But I finally spotted a mad scientist and Lightning McQueen crew chief in the masses of people.

I was finally able to find a way to make Pebbles bone stay in her hair so I had to get a close up. Isn't she the cutest little stone-aged girl you've ever seen?

You got attention cuz of yo' sexy legggggs! DANG GINA! Cute, but still modest. :) I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!! Oh, and the rest of the family looks fabulous too. But I think Momma stole the show, hee hee.