So I'm a little late posting about this but better late than never. Little Man turned 9 on September 26 and we had a great birthday party for him if I do say so myself. He is becoming quite the CSI fan and I can see this kind of work in his future. He loves trying to figure out the crime before the show has ended...he gets this from his mom, I'll admit it. So for his birthday party we had a CSI party where there was a crime committed and we needed all the kids or "recruits" to help solve the crime. I got three neighbors to agree to be our suspects and the kids had to go interview and fingerprint them to see if they could figure out "who done it". I set up our front and back yard as the crime scene with yellow tape and all. We were going to originally going to do a murder scene but Little Man decided a burglary would be better since there were younger kids coming. He is such a sensitive little guy about stuff like that. It's one of the many reasons I love him so but we'll get to that later. For now, here are some great pictures that my good friend Michelle took for me. Thanks Michelle!!
Our only witnesses

The crime: my stereo was stolen from my garage and then vandalized. Oh the horror!

Every guest was fingerprinted and then deputized once ruled out as a suspect. You can't be too careful when working a crime scene.

Once everyone cleared the initial tests, we split up into two groups and handed out their forensic kits. We looked over the crime scene and then they were sent on their way to start interviewing the suspects.

I can't say enough about our neighbors who agreed to participate in this party. They really hammed it up for the kids and were absolutely awesome. We are very lucky to live in this neighborhood.

After the criminal had been found (it was the bald guy....Bad Michael!) we relaxed with cool drinks and these amazing cake pops that my mom made. Yummy!!

Next came presents...

An idea Little Man had for his party was to have a shirt made specially so his friends who attended could sign it. This was a great thing and one I'll be using again...he'll have those signatures to help him remember this party for years to come!

So that's that! Everyone had a fantastic time and I can't believe I now have a nine year old!
And, just because he's so darn cute, here's a picture of my nephew Kadon.
I've always said that when Little Man was born he filled a hole in my heart that I didn't even know I had. I always liked kids but was scared to have my own. But when I laid eyes on that precious baby boy, I fell in love and it's grown daily since. He makes me laugh, he is so stinking smart, he's talented at just about everything he tries. He loves sports but can be sensitive when needed (just ask his sister...he kissed her on the head today for absolutely no reason), but will kick your tail if he feels threatened or if you're threatening anyone he loves. He loves me and his daddy, he loves his family and he loves God. I knew at a very early age that he had a special heart for the things of God and I think he will do great things for the kingdom as he grows. He is a shining light in my life and I am truly blessed that God gave me this amazing gift to raise.
Awesome! Looks like fun for all. :)