Last Monday I took the kids to the dentist to have their teeth cleaned etc. and learned that Princess is about to lose several of her front teeth. Too bad I had already taken out a 2nd mortgage to pay for all the x-rays, cleaning and consultation just to figure out she had one lose enough to pull five days later. Oh least the dentist has a really nice office with a small corner I can claim I own. Anyway, on Friday, one of her front teeth was so lose it was literally dangling and I wouldn't let her eat anything but jello and yogurt for fear she would swallow it. An appointment was made with Grandpapaw to pull it and we headed over there Friday afternoon.
He is acting so serious here, asking her all kinds of questions while holding her tooth in his hand the whole time. He said it just fell out when he touched it. She had no idea.

Here is a classic view of my Papaw being ornery. He just told her that it wasn't lose enough and she needed to wait a week. Keep in mind he has the tooth in his hand. Her reaction was priceless and he got great pleasure from it.
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