The last few weeks....oh who am I kidding....since she was BORN Princess has not slept through the night. When we bought the house we are currently in, we bought a king size bed just because we knew we needed more space with her joining us every night. At the age of 3 I was told it was night terrors but at age 4, we were sent to her ENT who had already done 2 sets of ear tubes and taken out her adenoids. He did a sleep study and discovered she quit breathing about 14 times an hour so we got her tonsils taken out. We haven't done another sleep study since surgery but she did start sleeping better so I dropped it.
Fast forward to about 6 months ago and here we are again....every night she gets up and comes and gets in our bed. She is not a good person to sleep with and since she is bigger, our bed is not big enough for all three of us. Since I am not a happy person when I don't get enough sleep, I am willing to do just about anything for her to stay in her bed all night long. After talking to her she informed me that she didn't like her bed. Nice. I worked hard to find that bed and make it cute! It was a canopy princess bed. What six year old doesn't like a canopy? Well, she didn't like all the "stuff" above her head so we looked for a change.

I had my old day bed in my in-laws attic so we decided to switch out her old bed and put in the "new." We even bought a new bedspread to go with her existing paint and decor but was enough of a change to be exciting. So, making a long story even longer, here is the new bed and bedspread. I am really pleased with her choice and she loves it. Now to see if she stays in it......

Ohhhhh! That is SO cute! I wanna sleep in it! :) Can I? Can I?