This last weekend was extremely busy. Hubby drove down to San Antonio to trade in his mustang for a pickup so I was a single mom for a couple of days. Saturday we had soccer, then a family cookout and then Sunday we had family over for lunch, a quick impromptu baby shower, more soccer and then time with the in-laws. :) Hubby was back by Sunday but it's amazing how even though he was gone for 36 hours, I felt like it was fffoooorrrreeevvvveeeerrr! I miss him when he's gone. I say an impromptu baby shower because I knew we were going to do it eventually, but it all depended on how my sis felt when she got up that day. She's been up and down since her sickness scare and so we didn't know for sure until that morning. Thankfully, she felt okay enough to come munch on some chicken and open the gifts that were meant to be opened during our girls weekend but had do be postponed due to her getting sick and coming home. My parents and grandparents came and you could definitely tell that it was their first baby shower. They oohed and ahhed just like we did so we taught them well. :)
My sis at 31 weeks

The proud mom and dad-to-be...again. This is number three for them but this time it's a girl!!! Yay!

My mom found this adorable outfit the day we found out that it was a girl. It's perfect because my sis and her family are very western.

I didn't post the pics of everything she opened...there was a BUNCH! But this shows what the majority of them looked like...a cute little outfit in front of my sister's face. I think she did that on purpose. :)

My hubby was in charge of "tissue paper trash" and he loved having an intricate role in the baby shower. What? You can't tell he's thrilled? Well, you'll have to excuse him, he's trying to quit dipping snuff and was going through major withdraws. :)

That's that! Hopefully that baby will stay in there a few more weeks and then we'll get to see her face to face. I bet she's as pretty and adorable as her aunt. :)
Really? REALLY?! I would have bet $100 that the cows were from you. :) I'm proud of Jerod for stickin' it out... at least you didn't make him WEAR pink!!! ha ha