This last week my kids got to go to basketball camp at one of our local churches. I can't tell you how excited my hubby was to learn that his Princess wanted to attend this year. His dream for her is to be a tall basketball player and be so intimidating that no boy wants to talk to her. :) He can dream right? Anyway, she's done cheer leading for this organization twice before but never interested in playing the sport. So it really pleased him that she wanted to try. So for four solid days, the kids had to get up, get ready and be there by 8:30a.m. That may not seem like a big deal to some of you, but for us, it was a big deal. We don't even get up at a set time during the school year. I would be surprised if my kids even knew what alarm clocks were. :) So anyway, needless to say by Friday, Princess was very tired and this is what I found when I went in to wake her. So precious! And yes, I did have to smooch on those lips after I took this.

Since Friday was their last day, they invited all us parents to come watch them play a scrimmage. This was the "little" girl that Little Man had to guard. Not sure that's a fair match-up.....he may not be big, but he is very aggressive and took care of himself very well out there. And he used her height to his advantage....more than once I watched him duck under her arms and get out of her guard. Smart boy....

Princess was so proud to be able to throw in the ball.

So after basketball, we switched gears on Saturday and Princess had her very first belt test. I've talked about the academy they attend in previous posts so I won't go into how great I think they are, but...they are. She got to show off for us on what she has learned and she was very excited to finally get to change her belt. We're very proud of her...she can go from ballet shoes to karate chops very well. :)
It's good to see she stands at attention for some people....I wonder what that's like?

Breaking away from her "stranger"...he did end up on the floor eventually. Good girl!

Getting her new belt....

"I DID IT!!!!!"

Her two instructors that work so well with those kiddos.

Congrats Princess!!
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