Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Summer Is Here!

We just finished school for the summer!!! Whoo-hoo!! Now I hope to get caught up on some rest, reading and relaxing. The three R's of my summer plans. :) Things will be busy around here until after June 23rd (my baby brother gets married!!) but it will be nice to not have school responsibilities on top of all of it.

 Last week the kids had their end of the year science party. Their grandparents came and they were thrilled to show off some of the stuff they've done this year. (If I've never said it before, my kids attend a science class once a week for 2's awesome! They've dissected stuff, blown up stuff and created some really cool experiments.) 

Princess volunteered to say the "Welcome" speech for the party. I was so proud of her...she wrote out exactly what she wanted to say and everything. She's getting so big. 

 Then last Friday, we had our annual homeschool ranch day. As always, it was a lot of fun and the kids played themselves into exhaustion. Within an hour of everyone getting there, we saw a horny toad! So exciting to see these little critters roaming around.

Parents and kids alike took turns feeding Tex. 

Even Princess fed Tex this was a first! I laugh at her face in this picture...she is completely grossed out. :) 

Every one dunked their heads in the water tank to cool off before watermelon

Including my dad :)

And then we had some that decided to go "all in" :)

It is always a nice way for the kids to bond with their friends.  

Of course, Little Man did a great job of either running from the camera or making a face every time I took a picture of him so I don't have many of him. 
Everyone had a great time and already looking forward to next year. 

In other news, my facebook fast was short lived because we got news recently that an orphanage was closed and all the kids from it were moved to an orphanage that our agency works with. So that means there will be more kids for them to refer out and that is GOOD NEWS! Also, I have a cousin that had a baby recently and facebook was the only way to see pics of that new baby! :) So, I'm back on. 

Anyway, life around here is so good. I feel things are changing in our hearts and desires and I can't wait to see what God has in store for us. Happy summer!!

1 comment:

  1. Love you! Love the pics! miss you all SO much and I can't wait to see you and for you to see my belly! :) haha.
