Tuesday, September 20, 2011

First Kiss

I really meant to post this yesterday but ya know how that goes...

Anyway, I wanted to tell you a story....15 years ago yesterday, Sept 19th, I was 17 years old, in my senior year of high school and was going on a date with a guy that I had been hanging out with for a couple of weeks. This really cute guy picked me up wearing his boots and jeans, a cream colored shirt and his black cowboy hat. We went to the Tri-State fair and bought him an engraved Copenhagen lid for his ever present snuff can in his back pocket. After people watching and playing games for awhile, this really cute guy took me home cause I'm sure my curfew was something lame like 10:00 pm or something. (Or his curfew was cause his parents were WAY more strict than mine!) Once arriving back home, we sat quietly in his pickup for several minutes. The whole time I'm thinking,

"Dude...we have been doing the whole 'date' thing for several weeks now and you haven't even held my hand! Are you just not interested? And if you aren't, WHY do you keep hanging around?! I need to know what is going on in that shy mind of yours!!"

And then before I could even stop the words from coming out of my mouth I said,

"So are you ever going to kiss me or what?"

And he said,


And we leaned in close for our VERY FIRST KISS. I distinctly remember not even being able to breathe after that kiss and very quietly whispered, "Wow". Fireworks flew ya'll...I'm not even kidding. It was like no other kiss I had ever had (even if I only had 4 other guys to compare to but whatever...)

From that moment on, I knew that this very cute, very shy and incredibly awesome guy was going to end up being my husband.

Fast forward 15 years and that guy did end up becoming my husband and I am more in love with him now than I was then. :) So what did we do to reminisce that night 15 years earlier? We took our kids through the same first date that we had shared all those years earlier and ended the night all four of us piled on the couch. And as for the kiss? Well, I got three kisses this time...kisses from my three most favorite people in the world.

Not long ago, I heard this song on the radio and had to immediately call my husband to tell him that the writer had been following us around our entire relationship! Even down to the wedding in the middle of June part! It is now officially "our song" and it makes me smile every time I hear it because I think back to that night, on a date with a really cute guy, sharing a moment that would change both of our lives forever.


(turn off my music at the bottom before you play it)
