Well it has taken me longer to get out of the darkness than I thought it would but I am gradually crawling out of my "hermit crazy cat lady without the cats" phase. There are still days I don't want to go anywhere or do anything but it is getting better. One thing that helped was a trip to the mountains! We took our kids skiing for the first time and my brother, Amanda and the Tuttle family joined us which made it even better. Out of the Tuttles, only one was an experienced skier and one had snowboarded one day. Lots of training and instruction for newbies would be in store for this weekend but we didn't mind one bit. Little Man had officially skied before but it was seven years ago and for only one day. Not much that he remembers. But to say they impressed me and their dad would be an understatement. Like ducks to water they were. I gave them one instruction: "when you need to slow down or stop, make a pie shape with your feet." And the rest was downhill from there...literally.
Gearing up to head to the slopes for the first time

Adam and Amanda were so gracious to be patient with all the "newbies"

They made it to the top of the first slope!

Uncle Adam is the best!!

My hubby was so good to be the personal ski instructor for Cindy, we didn't get to ski with him much but what little we did was wonderful!!

After the first two days, the kids kept saying they weren't tired but after the third full day....well you see.

We woke up to a blizzard the day we headed home and it was so pretty!

Here is a picture of Little Man promoting for the first time in April of 2007. He was five years old. :)
He is the cutest!!

Before the test started...I say he's extremely nervous, he says he was focused. What's your vote?

The jui-jitsu part of the test took about 45 minutes and all the students testing were very tired...but they weren't done yet.

Next came the kickboxing rounds...4 rounds at 2 minutes each...doesn't sound so bad but just try it. It's very tough!

His first instructor (see top pic) had moved away about 2 years ago and has missed out on seeing his former students excel and promote. He did however make it to town to see this promotion. We were so excited and since that was one of Little Man's main request, we were glad to see it come true.

Little Man had the biggest cheering squad of all the students who tested. My dad (pictured), my in-laws, my sister and her family, my brother, my grandparents, my aunt from Tyler, my brother-in-law and his family and the Tuttles! Lots of people wanted to watch this accomplishment!

The cousins (and sis) treated Little Man like a rock star this night. They were so proud of him.

Little Man with his current instructor, Mr. Ty Garrett...look this guy up...he's amazing. I feel very blessed to have him in my son's life and willing to go the extra mile to help him become a better man.

Congratulations Little Man!! We are so proud of you and love you so much!!!
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