My plan was to be cleaning house right now since my kids are with my parents traveling. The hubs and I won't be traveling until he gets off tonight and I thought it would be a perfect time to clean house. Well....I decided catching up on the blog is much more fun. So the last few weeks have been a whirlwind (isn't it for everyone!) but wonderful and fun at the same time.
First, we headed down to the ranch to cut down some trees to get stocked up on firewood. It was a chilly day but the kids had fun watching their dad work a chainsaw for the first time. They got to help push over the trees and yelled "TIMBER!" every time.
Papaw showing Jerod where to cut to make it easy and fall in the direction we needed it too.

All bundled up :)

My mom is very proud of her baby boy :)

Amanda is pretty proud of him too

Then later that evening I decided that if he was big enough to graduate college, then he was big enough to finally hold the newest nephew. So being the good sister I am, I just walked over and plopped him in Uncle Adam's lap.

My icing was a little runny

But it was all so yummy!

Gingerbread village done! Complete with sugar snow, sprinkle roads and gummy trees

Little P did a good job of chilling out and watching all the other kids play. He is studying up so he can join in next year!

Three days after this picture was taken it became official: these two are getting married!!! Yeah! I am so excited for them and ready to watch them grow as a married couple and see what God has in store for them. I love them both very much! :)
Christmas lovin'

After the first few Christmas' were over and we had a break between the next two, the kids and I went to the ranch to get out of the house and hang out with my parents. My dad has this obsession with these alpacas off one of the roads we travel to get to the ranch. Princess likes them too but isn't brave enough to get too close. One day...Papaw is going to get spit on. And I am going to laugh really hard.
So I guess now that I'm all caught up, I'll go clean house. Yesterday was Princess' birthday and today we leave for another Christmas. I hope to post her birthday post when we get back with more pictures. But now off to rejoin the whirlwind. Thanks for resting with me today! :)
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