Anyway, let's start way back at the beginning of October. We had Little Man's birthday very impromptu. We called the neighborhood kids together, asked if they wanted to go with us, and away we went. We also called my niece so Princess wouldn't be the ONLY girl.
We played putt-putt

Tried out the batting cages...

A few weeks later, I hosted a table at a local fundraiser. I did this same fundraiser last year and had just about as much luck so I don't see me doing it next year. So...if you're interested in a cross, I have about 30 in stock right now. :) I do have three upcoming craft shows I'm doing before Christmas so hopefully I can knock out some of my inventory.

Princess and I got up VERY early the day after the craft show to watch about 10 hot air balloons lift off. It was fantastic.

Then we went to the ranch with some great new friends that have moved down the street from us. They moved to Texas from Georgia and both work for our church. God truly blessed us by putting them in our lives. We all click very well and we share a love of adoption. They adopted their son from Latvia two years ago and will be a great support when we get our child(ren) home. I hope they fall in love with Texas and don't want to go anywhere for a LONG time!
We had such a great time and Cindy, the mom, is an awesome photographer and caught our time together perfectly.
The entire family feed Tex by hand...I was very impressed!

Everyone had to have a cowboy's not a true Texas experience without one!

I just put this in here because I love it. I like him a lot and I really like him in a cowboy hat.

Little Man and Aleks enjoyed riding the 4-wheelers more than anything else.

Me and Cindy...we took this ourselves and could not see the camera..this is my excuse for looking so goofy.

The "big girls"...they are so good to make Princess feel like she's as big as they are

Then before even Halloween, our weather decided to go bi-polar on us and snow 4 inches. The kids wanted to make their first snowman of the season and it is such a perfect picture of how quickly things change. His eyes are green tomatoes that we picked the day before and his nose is a milk dud from our hand-out candy. He didn't last 24 hours because the next day, it was in the 50's and he was completely melted by lunch. I just hope snow this early isn't a sign of a really bad winter.

The snow and whacked out weather put me in the mood to try something I've never made before...they were yummy!

Then on Monday, my sis took my newest nephew to the doctor and after some testing, it was learned he had pyloric stenosis and needed surgery to fix it. So my parents and I took all the kids trick or treating and then to trunk or treat at our church. It was fun but we all had Lil' P on our minds.
Princess found her match at trunk or treat...yeah maaan!

Thursday night was our annual homeschool living museum. This is where the kids pick someone from history, learn all about them and then present themselves as that person in front of their peers.
Princess was Cleopatra...isn't she beautiful?

Little Man was Neil Armstrong...isn't he so cool? :)

I love this entire blog! Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful stuff cuz! :) I LOVE YOU ALL!!! <3