Today is very special. Not only because it is Father's day but because every 7 years, it is also my anniversary. We are celebrating 12 years of marriage today and I am very excited about that. Here is a picture of us on the day we got married. (The quality is really bad because I don't know how to scan pictures and so I took it with my phone.)

I love you honey!! Thanks for being my best friend and help mate. You are the best! I am lucky to call you my husband and our kids are so lucky to have you as their dad!
And in honor of father's day, I'm placing a picture of me and my awesome dad on my wedding day. He was so supportive and calm for me. I can't believe how young he looks too!! It really doesn't seem like 12 years ago. He's always there for me and my family and loves us with his whole heart.
I love you dad!! Happy Father's Day!

Good night!
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