Several people have asked me what number we are on the waiting list so I finally caved and emailed our agency yesterday to find out. I really didn't want to do this for the fear that she would say "you're 106 out of 106". I was just really thrilled to be on the waiting list and didn't really want to know how far away we still are; but, she responded by telling me that we were 40 out of 43. Not too bad. But she also wanted me to know that the numbers don't really mean anything because everyone on that waiting list has different requirements of what they are looking for. We did see that they gave out two more referrals yesterday so does that mean we are now 38? I don't know and I really can't obsess over it. Right now I'm just happy that things are MOVING in Ethiopia and that we are a "waiting family".

Even though we are waiting, we are one tired family. One of the odd jobs that my husband took on to earn money was to paint my grandmothers house. She passed away in October and they are getting it ready to sell (boo!) and knowing that we are looking for any extra funds, my mom asked if we would be interested. Yes!! So the last couple of days Jerod has been spent hours painting the entire inside of this house a very clean white. I went over one night to help trim (my specialty) and last night all four of us went over to help. The kids helped with the big rollers and everything. :) Now, I do not mind painting...I even enjoy it especially when it's a nice clean white. It's an instant gratification thing for me. But....I'm not really enjoying painting this house because it means that Memaw is not there anymore and that is the sole reason we are there doing what we're doing and that is sad to me. I've started trying to just look at the white walls and not concentrate on the spot where her bed sat or where she spent hours looking at the computer hoping for emails that included pictures of her grandbabies. I know it has to be done but it doesn't mean I have to like it. I've wondered if I took a picture of orphaned Ethiopian
children and taped it to my ladder if it would help me remember why WE are doing this job and not someone else. I dunno. My body and my spirit are just tired. Luckily, we are almost done with school (YAY!!!) and so today I'm going to finish up a cross order and start on some more. I will go over at some point and trim some more but I need to do something to lift my spirits a little first. I have some really pretty crosses I'm working on and seeing them completed will be just what I need. Whether it's painting, staining or cross making, our entire family is working
toward one goal and I love that. The kids are always there willing to help and I love that they GET why we are doing this. Our new one will be SOO lucky to have the best siblings in the world. :))

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