Well the anticipation is finally over. My mema went to be with Jesus yesterday afternoon. The circumstances were not anything like I thought they would be....for one, I was there when it happened...I had really thought I didn't want to be, but obviously it was meant for me to be for certain reasons. Two, all the cousins who have been in town the last week just to be there for that moment weren't there. It was just 5 of her 6 daughters, me, and my uncle. The house was very quiet and peaceful and she just went. No gasping for air, no more groaning, no more pain...she just went. My mom said it literally felt as though they could feel her spirit walking away quietly and peacefully. She just finally let go.
My mom and Memaw at the ranch a few years ago....

She loved kids. She worked in childcare places in several churches and she loved her great-grandbabies so much. And she has plenty of them! I'm so thankful that my kids got to know her and she got to see my niece after she was born. Most kids don't know their great grandparents but mine are very blessed with many.
Last year, I had a mother/daughter tea with all the mothers and daughters in my family and we had to dress up in dresses and wear hats. It was a blast and I think Memaw had a lot of fun. She may not have been the most prim and proper of women, but she was real and always full of dignity. Princess stayed with her not too long ago when I went to the gym one day and filled her in on all the "Hanna Montana" and "iCarly" stuff that she could. As much as Memaw probably didn't care, she sure acted like she did care and they shared that moment just the two of them. I know Princess will treasure it always.

I found this picture today and wanted to share it. This was a rarity for our family. We are blessed with a big family but one downfall to that is that you didn't get very many chances to be one-on-one when we were all together. Here she is with Little Man when he was not even two years old, and he's "reading" to her. (See? They shared that love of reading I was telling you about...even in his youngest days.) I remember this day and I remember that they just talked and talked...she knew exactly how to get on his level. She will be missed greatly.

Dear Memaw,
I'm so glad to know you are not hurting anymore but I miss you so much already. You are such a sweet special lady and I hope to follow your lead in how I love my family and take care of them. Enjoy those fresh sweet fruits and veggies up there...that is definitely your kind of heaven. I will make sure we keep up your gardening efforts and plant something fresh every year. Tell Pepaw I say "hi" and that my kids miss getting to know him. They are so blessed to have gotten to know you though. You will never be forgotten and we love you very much. Good-bye my Memaw. I love you.
I love her too after reading you share of her in this writing. I am so sorry for the sadness her loss leaves behind, but with you, I rejoice in where she is. And instead of goodbye... it is "See you soon." Like in a blink of an eye! HUGS sweet friend!
Precious Cousin, I love you.
ReplyDeleteWe will be lifting up your family during this difficult time. Come Lord Jesus Come! Looking forward to the day when there will be no more tears, no more goodbyes.