This is the main pool at our resort. It had a swim up bar where Princess very quickly discovered virgin strawberry daiquiris. It was so cute to watch her order that "frozen strawberry drink." The employees really spoiled my was great!

This is the view from our balcony. We didn't spend a lot of time here, but when we did, it couldn't have been more relaxing.

Our last night at the resort...Princess really dressed up and so I just had to get a picture of my three love bugs!

Little Man practice every spare moment to get where he can balance himself on only his hands. When he had perfected it, he had to show Spiderman and Chinaman. They were very impressed and so I got a picture of the three of them showing off together. Go STUART! :)

Then I insisted on getting a good shot of their faces and Chinaman pulled him onto his back and balanced himself on one hand. I don't think he wanted to take a normal shot or he was camera shy but that was definitely not a problem Spiderman had. Princess finally started warming up to them and got her own nickname...Stuart Little Little for being the "little" sister. We are going to miss these guys!

That last night, hubs and myself got dragged on the stage to compete in a game with other couples. It was battle of the sexes and whoever won the game got the point and then whoever had the most points won. Since we were both on stage imagine my surprise when I downloaded pictures and found these. My little Princess is quite sneaky!!! Oh, and the girls won....of course!

Our last day...having to head home was extremely hard and there were quite a few tears almost shed. Just one wrong word would have sent Little Man overboard. But we did manage to get a decent family picture before we left.

Not ready to say goodbye....he broke my heart! I couldn't do anything to fix it! But like my dad said, when they cry when you have to come home, that's a sign of a good vacation. Very true!

Princess having one last frozen strawberry drink...

I can hardly believe it's come and gone already and that I'm home blogging about it. But I have to say that we will never forget this trip and as wonderful as the kids did, I'm looking forward to many more vacations as a family. They truly impressed me and I feel very blessed to have been able to experience this with them. We had fun together, loved on each other, laughed together, and created a bond that won't easily be broken.
Well that's made it! :) I'm all done now and I hope you enjoyed!
WOW!!! The boys and I loved all the pics!!!