I should really be doing school right now. We've been up plenty of time and could go out at any moment. But....my babies are in Little Man's room playing and I'm just not going to break it up. I can hear everything that is going on and they are playing really well together. This hasn't happened in awhile. Little Man has a friend that lives just right down the street from us that is the exact same age as him. They get along really well and last weekend they spent almost all day Saturday and all day Sunday together. Then on Tuesday we had some friends come over for a play date and both families have two boys each. So as you can probably guess, Princess has been having a hard time not only not having a girl to play with, but not having her bubba to play with either. So am I going to go interrupt and crack the whip to get our school day started? Absolutely not...I know we don't have much to do today and that it won't take us long and it's so rainy and cold outside, I know we can do it at any time today without missing precious outside time. Is this the right thing to do? I think so. Play time is as important as book time at this age and they are actually playing with toys not a video game or other electronic gadget. They are using their imaginations and to me, that is golden. If they are in disagreement about something, I'm hearing them very reasonably working it out instead of yelling and screaming. That's a huge life skill right there that I can teach all day long but is useless unless they get to practice it. So I'll sit here a little while longer, enjoy another cup of coffee, listen to the pitter pat of the rain, and listen to the sweet voices of my angels that I adore.
I love this entire blog post. Love it. :)