Since this weekend was so cold and windy, we decided to take advantage of it and "finish" the kids bathroom. We have been putting it off for awhile and it was one of the last rooms to not have anything done to it. Back at our old house, I had made their bathroom into an aquarium and we all missed it so that's what we decided to go with. The kids helped with all the decisions and put their stamp of approval on each step of the way. They loved having a say-so! Why not? They have to be in there more than me, so they need to enjoy that space. Now if they would just keep it a little cleaner! Haha! (Wishful thinking.....)
So first the before pictures....

We picked our color and started painting. The color was "Ocean Breeze" and it really got us in the mood for our upcoming vacation to the ocean in Jamaica.
The during pictures...

After painting, we put up some Uppercase Living expressions to complete our aquarium. We even put a palm tree on the mirror with a gecko on one side and flip flops on the other to separate the two sides that have to be shared by the two kids.
The after pictures...
Cute! I love it! Glub glub