Jerod: My man, best friend, partner, lover and soulmate. God knew what He was doing when He put us together. We equal each other out and really enjoy each other after all these years. We've been married 10 1/2 years and a couple for 13 1/2. Being that we are only 29 & 30, that's a long time! :) One of my favorite lines when describing our relationship is: He may not be perfect, but he's perfect for me!
My 5 favorite traits:
1. He can put a smile on my face pretty much any time and whatever mood I might be in that day.
2. He "chews" his ice cream. I've never seen this before and it still makes me laugh.
3. He has an amazing work ethic. He will return a call to a customer at 8:00 at night if he promised he would call them THAT day. He has been known to work on holidays and vacations but I'd rather have that than a lazy husband.
4. He loves his family and lets us know it daily. He plays with his kids which is so important for them and for me. It makes me love him more!
5. He has one white eyebrow that crept up when we first started dating. It's from an old accident that made a scar. It is unique and I love it. He does have to color it sometimes if too many people mention it, but I think he needs to leave it alone and embrace it!
Jaxen: oh my little man...I told him when he was born that he filled a hole in my heart that I didn't even realize I had! He is going from little boy to big boy too fast. Things have started changing in him that I'm not ready for or don't even know how to handle! Since when is a kiss from your dad gross? "Dad, we're both dudes...that's just gross!" (I don't get it)
Top 5:
1. He has a great sense of humor and really follows in his parent's steps of being sarcastic and fun. We love playing jokes on each other and having him pull a good one on his dad is priceless!
2. He still loves on me (as long as no one is looking!) He calls it "momma lovin" and I won't ever ask him to change it. It also cracks me up that when asking for a ham sandwich he still says with "Deli relish" instead of "dill" relish even though he is old enough to know the difference.
3. He is so sweet and tolerant with his little sister that it makes me tear up at times. I have caught him telling her he loves her if he doesn't think I can hear him. They really are the best of friends and would fight Goliath for each other if the need arose.
4. He is drawn to those kids that don't have many friends or are disabled. He bawled at the movie "Radio" and has vowed to never let anyone treat someone like that if he's around!
5. He is a very well rounded kid and can fit in with any group of people. He enjoys the ranch with his Papaw but can kick tail in karate. He won the spelling bee but is an animal on the basketball court. He loves music and enjoys learning how to play various instruments but is a speed demon on the football field. I love my little man!
And last but not least my princess, Jayla. I know they say not to allow this, but she is my best friend. We are so much alike, I can see us having a lot of fun together when she gets older. She can dress up with the best of them and she makes me laugh all the time. Just ask her about her british accent one day. It'll make you roll on the floor!

Her top 5:
1. She is a singer! She sings all the time, whether its an acutal song, or just talking put to a tune, she has a song in her heart and it comes out all the time. We love listening to her and love that those happy sounds means she has a happy heart.
2. She loves helping us. Ask her to do something and she'll do it. I hope this trait lasts....
3. She is very well rounded as well. She is as prissy as can be but can hold her own with her brother and cousins. She doesn't mind playing in the dirt as long as she's with her boys. ;) But mess with her barbies, and you've had it!
4. She has a style all her own and it is always interesting to see what she puts on.
5. She loves so deep. We hear all the time how much she loves us and hugs and kisses all the time. She adores her daddy and brother and I love watching them together. You just can't duplicate the kind of heart she has.
I am so blessed to have these individuals in my life. They bring such joy and happiness to me and I'm so blessed that they love God more than me. In fact, Jayla has informed me that she does love me, but I'm third on her list. God and Jesus have the top two spots. That's just fine with me! What traits do you love about the ones you're close to?
Loved reading your blog! I am a follower my sweet friend! Miss you!
ReplyDeleteLOVE it! :) And I love all of you!!!!