Have you ever had one of those days where you sit back in the evening and think back over moments and a smile just crosses your face again and again? Well, today was one of those days. We had a rare 70 degree January day today and on top of that, it was a holiday! So, we took full advantage and my family, my brother and Amanda, and the Tuttle family went down to Palo Duro Canyon and enjoyed the sunshine. It was very windy but thankfully once we got down into the canyon, the wind wasn't much of a factor. We hiked trails, explored caves, had a picnic lunch and shared lots of laughs. And one huge thing I learned is that I am very. out. of. shape. I can already feel my muscles screaming at me for climbing up and down these hills. But I wouldn't trade today for anything. (Well, except getting our referral maybe :))
Little Man looks just that...very little against these big rocks
Amanda and Adam were so helpful with my kids while their mom was being very slow

Absolutely beautiful

These two are dangerous together
This cave had a spot where the "kids" could climb up and then overlook us at the bottom.
Ahh...love was in the air :)

We played around with fun photo shots while the young-uns climbed down.
Such great fun with such great people.
The whole crew before we headed back home
And then God surprised us all by sending a few sprinkles and a beautiful rainbow as we pulled out
And an amazing sunset!

May God bless you with great friends and family to share life with as He has for us. We are very thankful. Have a blessed week!