Good morning! One of my blogging friends sent this to me and I am to answer the following questions:
1. What's the silliest prank you've ever pulled on someone? Wow, coming from a girl who grew up with several older male cousins and a very ornery father, there is too many to count. Our youth group growing up had a habit of torturing the current youth minister as well so there is many to count from that too. But...if I had to pick one, it would be from my youth group days. My sister, two of her friends and myself got it in our mind to not only toilet paper his house and fork his house but then we made the most disgusting combination of stuff I've ever seen and set it on his front porch. It was man made vomit to say it nicely. We were great kids. Seriously. Don't feel too bad for the poor guy, I remember him retaliating to great lengths with everything we pulled so I feel quite certain that this was deserved. But I think about his poor wife and kids now and wonder just how they truly felt about us naughty teenagers.
2. If you were to take a trip anywhere out of the country, where would it be and why?
I have to agree with Every Captive Thought here and say Italy and for the food.
3. Who plays the most influential role in your life?
Behind my God, my family
4. Are you ok with your significant other being friends with an ex?
Depends on in what arena you classify "friends". If you're talking about like on facebook then sure. I have an ex on my facebook account so if I did, I'd be ok with him too. But if we are talking about hanging out and phone calls, etc....then no. One, neither one of us casually dated. If we were in a relationship with someone, it was because we had really thought it through and really liked that person. Two, from what I've heard, none of his ex's are very nice and I wouldn't want him to be friends with someone who wasn't very nice.
5. Favorite candle scent?
Anything cinnamon
6. Next movie you're excited about seeing?Ramona and Beezus
7. You must ban one word from the dictionary and all usage, to no longer be written or uttered. What word do you ban?Any vulgar word that is used to insult or bring down someone else....there are several out there....use your imagination.
8. Do you have any relatives in jail?DISCLAIMER: It's my husband's family......and yes, one cousin.
9. What crazy fads were popular when you were a teenager?
Doubled up socks in different colors, rolling your jeans, the bangs that stood 5 ft in the air (or like my dad use to call them: antenna bangs), Saved by the Bell, Criss-Cross...will make up Jump! Jump!, etc....these things have conjured up some unpleasant images so I'm done now.
10. Have you ever been mentioned on the T.V. or in a newspaper?Yes the newspaper for my engagement, wedding and baby announcement and T.V. if you count the time I was involved in a crime.....close your mouth....I was the victim! It was back when the CrimeStoppers reenacted the crimes and put them on the news and so I wasn't the one on T.V. but an actor portraying me. Crystal and Keri.....shut up. :)
I'm suppose to pass this on to 10 of my blogging friends and that will make me nice or only 5 if I'm feeling naughty. I don't know that I have 10 blogging friends so I guess you can call me naughty.
Keri at
HE IS OUR PEACE Eph 2:14Sara at Afflecks on the east side
Kylie at Bus Driver
Michelle at Single Scrapin Chick
Wendy at Welcome to the Land of Poling
So there you have it! Are you feeling Naughty or nice? Send me your answers to these questions....I'd love to read them!